On February 3
I sure hope you will appreciate its content and presentation. Thanks to the various choices made in building it, it shall be easier to keep it updated, dynamic and evolving.
I invite you to take a tour, leaving your comments along the way, or just below here on this page. Let me know your impressions. You can take this opportunity to leave a testimony (here 1You can reach that page anytime using the menu in the top bar) not relating to the web site itself, but rather on my work or your experience working or collaborating with me. It’s always appreciated ! For those who already left one over on the previous site, they were all copied over here as well. So you can read them again.
You’ll notice the site is now finally bilingual. You can go from one language to the other by clicking on the small flag either on the top bar or the bottom of each page. Some pages or posts may not be translated yet. There is a lot to translate for the first time. But the most important sections of the site are done.
Also, I invite you to watch the introductory diaporama (can be reached from the top bar as well). Watching in full screen is always much better !! 😉
I take this opportunity to thank everyone following me with interest over the years: does that mean I’m getting that old already ? 😀 . A huge thank you for your appreciation, your trust in me and allowing me to share those important moments in your life.